Carbon dating cannot prove the earth is millions of years old.
by Steve Huedepohl
Carbon dating is just one of several radiometric dating methods that scientists use to estimate the age of rocks and other materials. Other methods include uranium/lead, potassium/argon, and rubidium/strontium.
Carbon dating can only measure the age of things that were once alive, like bone, wood, etc. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years. Therefore, the maximum age that carbon dating can measure is about 80,000 years... no where near the millions of years needed to prove very old ages.
All dating methods rely on the principle that a parent element decays into a daughter element, for example, uranium to lead. Scientists know the rate of decay so they use that to estimate age. But there are several factors that make radiometric dating useless.
One is that the rate of decay may not have been constant in the past. Another, that there may have been some of the daughter element present when the parent element was formed. A third, groundwater could have removed some of the parent element since it was formed.
The bottom line is that dates are not reliable. Consider these examples:
Scientists using the potassium/argon method have dated volcanic rocks that are known to have been created in 1801 by a volcano in Hawaii, and that tested to be from 160 million to 3 billion years old!
Rocks formed by the Mount St. Helens volcano in 1980 tested to be millions of years old!
And get this: Dinosaurs supposed died out about 65 million years ago. However, dinosaur bones have been found to contain carbon-14, which means they can't be even 1 million years old! In addition, dinosaur bones have been found with soft tissue in them, even blood vessels! Soft tissue cannot last millions of years.
For whatever reason, you cannot trust dating methods.